
Dozen Photo Blog: Best Image

I think this photo is the best one I took because it is very simple, yet has a lot of detail to focus on. This photo has only one shadow which is from the bottle and a void background that puts emphasis on the bottle itself. The most challenging aspect of this assignment is trying to think of and find places to take images for each of the techniques. Getting the right angles was very difficult to do when trying to get the whole scene in the photo at the same time as trying to get good lighting. I was forcing certain techniques in different places that maybe weren’t so suitable for them. In the future I will try to find places that have better lighting since a lot of my photos for this assignment have many shadows that make them super cluttered and not appealing to the eye. I also feel like my photos weren’t too creative so I definitely need to think outside the box next time I take photos.

Comment on other student’s post

This is a very beautiful image of the sky and water. I too find the combination of the warm and cool colors to be appealing to see. This image reminds me of when I was at the beach over the summer and seeing the sunset. This image does seem somewhat blurry which takes away from the image, so I would try to fix that for next time. It is also kind of hard to focus on one specific part of this photo since there is so much going on between the houses, the sky, the water, the plants growing out of the water, etc. Next time I would try to make a specific focus in the photo so its not all over the place.

Critiquing Photo Challenge Best Photo

I think this is the best photo I took because it captures urban beauty perfectly. The time I took this was convenient as well because it was right after a rain shower, so the light was unique because of the sunless sky. I believe this photo shows off the complex urban scenery with a focus on the street. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to choose which styles I wanted to take pictures of, and which ones I wanted to find online. It was also difficult finding the right lighting and angles for each of the photos I took. In the future, I will test multiple orientations and angles for what I am trying to capture. I will also try to be more creative and think outside the box as a viewer to determine if the photo is interesting.

Comment on other student’s post:

Hi Julianna! This photo is very pleasing to look at and captures the beauty of nature along with the lighthouse nicely. The contrast of the cool sea colors and the warm sky as the sun sets makes this photo satisfying to look at. The use of negative space between the sky and the sea was well done since there isn’t a whole lot of clutter in this image. I would recommend to attempt to fix the focus for future images since this one is a bit blurry. Other than that, great job!

Multimodal Presentation

The stories Rivera-Ortiz told in his photos influence me to create photos similar to those. I should think more about what the viewer of my work thinks of and feels when they see it. I will work on making more work similar to this in the future where it is not so much about the pure beauty of the photo, but what story it tells about the world.

Comment on other student’s post:

Hi Amelia! Mary Ellen Mark’s work tells a lot of stories. You did a great job explaining all of these stories and why the image correlates to them. The black and white in these images really puts the viewer in a bleak and serious state of mind. These images were similar to those that I analyzed for my project. Both photographers putting a focus on those who don’t have a voice in society. You did a great job discussing the social issues that these photos depict. Your pacing throughout the presentation was also great! Your presentation made me realize that there is much more to photography than sunshine and rainbows.

Emulating a Professional Photographer

I think this was my most successful image because it resembles the other image by Nigel Shafran very well, but is different at the same time. Both images have wooden steps and railings leading to a mysterious door. They are both eerie scenes leaving the viewer feeling uneasy, thinking what is really behind the doors. In my image, the main focus is more the door while the main focus in Shafran’s image is the steps/railings leading up. The most challenging part of this assignment was trying to choose which photos from the artist I wanted to use for inspiration to create my own. I also had many options of how to go about taking the photos like choosing which doors in my area I could use or which sinks to use. Finding the right lighting and angles was also a great challenge to make the photos appealing. To create stronger images in the future, I will try to use more natural light to take my photos. I will also keep in mind what the viewer might be thinking when looking at the photo.

Comment on other student’s post:

Hi Julianna! The photo you took looks great and has many resemblances to Letinsky’s image. The use of natural light in your photo was a very nice touch to make your image more similar to the other. Your use of the edges of the magazines puts more dimension in your photo compared to Letinsky’s. The style of magazines you chose match the aesthetic of the other image very well. There’s nothing to really change about your image, it turned out really good!

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